Monday, September 30, 2019

How Work Affects Family Life Essay

Today, the term â€Å"family† is difficult to define. All families are unique, and they can range anywhere from single parent families to extended families. Most importantly though, it is in the family where the next generation is being built. Parents must provide security and support for their children, and they need to be prepared for the challenges of balancing work and family in today’s society. In traditional families, there was a mother, a father and their resulting children. The father would most often be the earner of the family, and the mother would stay at home and take care of the children. Things have changed considerably in the twenty-first century. Now there are more dual-income families, single-parent families, and there are many more women in the labour force. This poses a great change to family life, and many parents are working a â€Å"double day†. They have their regular full time jobs where they earn an income, and then they have to come home to more work such as cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping. Like all systems and interactions, conflict arises between work and family issues. This issue causes conflict for every member of the family, and they need to discover ways to resolve this conflict. According to the feminist theory, â€Å"gender is basic to all social structures and organizations†. (Eshleman & Wilson, 2001:23). Obviously, it is also basic to the conflicts of work and family life. Today, both men and women must go to work to support their families, but it is usually the woman who has to come home and do the cooking, cleaning and grocery shopping, while her husband plays with the kids or watches television in the living room. This is definitely a concern that needs to be addressed, and although there have been some improvements in this area, much more can still be done. More improvements have also been made by employers, unions and the government to benefit families who have full time jobs. Although, they have made steps towards improving this dilemma, there are still many issues that need to be dealt with. The social conflict theory states that â€Å"conflict is natural and inevitable in all human interaction† (Eshleman & Wilson, 2001:15). It is not seen as a negative theory, it just calls for people to be aware that conflict will arise, and that they need to come up with solutions to these struggles. This is no different in the family. Today’s families have to deal with tension on the macro level and the micro level. Work and employment affect both the  macro and micro elements of the family. More and more varieties of families are coming about, such as dual-income families, single-parent families, and families who take care of their children as well as their parents. These people face tribulations everyday of their lives while trying to juggle work and their family. Mostly in dual-income families, and single-parent families, people are performing a â€Å"double day†. According to Eshleman and Wilson (2001), the double day, or second shift, refers to the combina tion of paid and unpaid work most people do. The family member earning the income â€Å"often feels stress and encounters difficulties trying to meet their responsibilities as family members and as employees† (Coates, 1991:1). This affects their performance at work and at home. They are caught in the middle between having to work to support the family, and wanting to create a good environment for their family to grow in. Society tells these parents that â€Å"they are bad [parents] if they don’t go to the school play and bad employees if they do go and take time off from work† (Denholtz, 2000:91). The children or elderly people in the head of the household’s care also suffer from the work/family conflict. Children are often raised by other people other than their own parents, such as nannies, teachers, other relatives or day care workers. Many children must learn to grow up a lot quicker than they would normally have to if their parents were always around which could be good in some cases, but not so good in others. Every member of the family must have a role, and know that role. Partners must discuss who will do the dishes that night, and who will take the children to baseball practice. Children must also help out with household chores, and take some responsibility for themselves. If all members of the family can come to a specific agreement, and implement a good plan to satisfy everyone, work and family can be managed. All that is needed are the right attitudes and resources. Several couples in Crysdale’s study of working class people in downtown Toronto said that they manage trouble at work by leaving it at the door when they come home (1991:103). There was not always an issue between family life and work. Typically, the only women who would work were young, single females with no other obligations. Married women would stay home with their children, do all the  housework and make sure supper was on the table for their husbands when they came home from work. The predicament between work and family arose when women began participating more in the labour force during and after World War I. Their involvement in the labour force has steadily increased since the beginning of the twentieth century, while men’s participation has decreased. According to Eshleman and Wilson (2001), 16.2 percent of women over the age of fifteen were employed in 1911, and approximately 60 percent of women are employed today. So in under a century the number of women working has almost quadrupled. There are many different reasons explaining why more and more women are joining the work force. It basically first started during World War II, because there was a great need for workers in factories, stores, etc., and the men were off fighting in the war. Therefore, the women had to join the labour force, and after the war, when they could leave their jobs, many women chose to stay instead of becoming a housewife once again. In the 1960’s, there was a women’s liberation movement, and this time period was the most significant change in women’s roles. Wives and mothers wanted to be free from the constraints placed on them in the home, so many of them decided to go to work. Prior to this, mainly single women were working for pay, but since then the gap between single and married women has decreased. Also, there has been an increase in the number of blended families, common-law relationships, and single-parent families which forces most members of these families to find paid work in order to financially support their family. Most single parents must go to work to provide for the family because they have no help from the mother or father of their children. Altogether, many different circumstances have led to the increa sed problems between work and family life. As we can see, as women gained a more significant role in the labour force, and as different types of families arose such as single-parent families, the conflicts also increased. When Eshleman and Wilson are explaining the feminist theory they ask the question, â€Å"What about women?† Their answers to this question are: Based on the ideas that the experiences of women are different from those of men, are unequal (less privileged) to those of men, and are actively  oppressed (restrained, subordinated, used and abused) by men. (p. 23) This definition works perfectly into the dilemma between men and women’s roles in the family and in the work force. We must always consider women and gender when making assumptions about the family and work because they are inseparable issues. Even with the intense changes that have taken place in the family structure and the workforce, there is still the general idea that a woman’s first and foremost responsibility is in the home, even when she is engaged in work outside of the home. Women workers experience much more stress and difficulty in balancing work and home than men do, because they â€Å"tend to bear a disproportionate share of household tasks and family responsibilities† (Coates, 1991:8). Coates (1991) listed some important statistics from a survey by the Conference of Canada in his article. He concluded that women reported spending an average of 16.5 hours per week on ‘home maintenance’ compared to 9.8 hours by men. Three-quarters of the women reported that they had the majority of responsibility for making child arrangements compared to 4.1 percent of men, and women were almost four times as likely to stay home with their children when they were sick. Basically, the work and family issue has been viewed only as a woman issue, which creates problems between husband-wife families. This is a micro example of the social conflict theory. Work creates conflict within the family between the husband and the wife, in deciding who will perform what tasks within the family. More recently, men have been accepting larger responsibilities within the family â€Å"either through choice, or necessity in their role as a single parent in the paid workforce†. The gaps between men and women’s responsibilities in the home are decreasing, but there is much more to be done about this matter. Child care is the largest concern parents have when it comes to their family and their work. There are many options available for parents when it comes to childcare, such as daycare, nannies, relatives, babysitters, and schools, although it is not that easy. Some families cannot afford daycare or nannies; some do not have families they can rely on for childcare and some parents’ work schedules do not accommodate babysitter’s hours. The age of  the child is another factor that has to be considered when planning on childcare. If the child is an infant, one of the parents usually has to be with them all day, and not all employers offer maternity or paternity leave. When the child is a toddler, they have not yet reached the age that would allow them to be in school from nine o’clock until three o’clock, so they still need someone in their care for the entire day. When the child reaches the school years, there are still a few hours before and after school that needs to be taken into account. After the child has reached an age in which he/she is able to take care of themselves, transportation between school, home and extracurricular activities comes into account. All of these factors contribute to the hardships parents face when trying to balance work and family life. Aside from the family, corporations and employers need to address the problems of stress placed on their employees while trying to manage between work and home. This incorporates the macro level of the social conflict theory. Fernandez states that: There is a high correlation not only between missed work and caring for a sick child, but also caring for a sick child and leaving work early, coming in late, dealing with family issues during working hours, and on-and-off-the-job-stress. As the families continue to grow and change, the companies need to implement a vast range of improvements in order to reduce the great demands of parenting and work. This will not only help the parents out with their family, but it will create a less stressful environment for all of the employees, and therefore, it will improve the company. Many companies have already taken certain steps in doing this, but there is still much more that can be done. One suggestion is job-sharing, which is â€Å"a form of part-time working wherein two people choose to share the salary, benefits and responsibilities of one full-time job† (McRae, 1989:16). This benefits parents who want to maintain paid work and also want to be at home with their children. Homeworking is another example, and it is when a person takes on paid work from the home. This has become increasingly easier to  manage with new technologies such as the Internet. Shift work would also help to balance out the time between work and the family. The shifts could correspond with the hours that the children are in bed, or are at school, which allows the worker to spend more time with their family. More steps need to be taken in this area, such as on-site day care, paid leave to attend to a sick child or family issue, and included day-care costs. We have reached a point in society when it is time to come to a compromise between work and family life, and flexibility needs to be offered whenever it is needed. In all, families have changed a great deal in the last century, and we need to keep up with these changes and offer new suggestions towards improving family life. Work places a great demand on all families, including dual-income families, single-parent families, blended families, and extended families. Parents are struggling everyday with the conflict between work and family life. It works in a viscous circle, because families need money to support their families, but at the same time they need a lot of extra time to spend with their families. The burden is placed more on women than it is on men, because taking care of the household is still seen as the â€Å"woman’s job†, even if she is engaged in paid work. Men need to start doing their equal share around the house to make it easier on the demands of the woman. More steps need to be taken in child care facilities, because that is the main problem working parents face today. Companies must implement new plans in order to meet the needs of their workers. Altogether, it has been an ongoing battle for parents who are trying to balance between work and family life, and as the family continues to grow and change so must the laws behind flexible work hours, day care, and permissible absence for family issues.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Environement and It’s Problems

Essay The Environment and its problems The environment is the place that surrounds us. It is a gift of nature and it is the natural world of water, land, air and change. The environment is what we call home. Did you know that every day the environment is somehow getting damaged or destroyed? There are many examples of environmental problems that affect our environment. E. g. global warming There are also several ways humans effect our environment. For example the removal of fish from the oceans and timber from tropical forests.There are so many new things to learn about the environment and so many ways to take action for our eco-system by protecting it, why wait? Impressed? Read on to learn about the environment and what you can do to protect it. Let’s get started! There are several environmental problems that we need to take action for. They all affect the world and harm the eco-system. Some of the environmental problems in the world are acid rain, air pollution, energy, glob al warming, hazardous waste, pollution, and smog. Some of these problems are man-made and some of these problems are natural disasters.Environmental pollution is the biggest problem on Earth today. It is true our trees are getting cut down rapidly and the earth is getting warmer but if pollution continues our earth will fell like a boiling desert or covered with seawater. There are three types of pollution which are air pollution, sound pollution and water pollution. Air pollution is when smog is in the air and it’s hard for us to breathe. Sound pollution is when there’s such a big noise by a vehicle that sometimes people lose their hearing. That is why we should walk or ride a bike anywhere close to where you are and a mile distance.Water pollution is when the water gets polluted with waste and chemicals There are also many politicians who have done something to help the environment. For example, Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the Uni ted States of America and was a politician and conservationist. He is known for setting aside land for national forests, establishing wildlife refuges, developing the farmlands of the American West, and advocating protection of natural resources. Theodore Roosevelt is a strong role model for environmentalists of the future.He used his political skills to influence people and to help the cause of conservation, consistently focusing on the state the environment and on its effect on future generations. Creating a future in which the environment is clean is a challenging task. Managing the environment involves support from governments, organizations and your community. It may appear that environmental problems are too hard to take care of but the decisions we make, the actions we take and the words we speak influence the decisions that we make about the environment.There are many ways in which you can adapt your daily life to think more about the future of the environments and wildlife. Saving energy, conserving resources, and recycling are just a few ways you could make a difference. The most important thing to think about is the choices you make related to the environment. One of the things your school can do is become an eco-school! Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental educational program for grades K-12 that helps school communities help kids become environmentally responsible citizens and reduce the ecological footprint of schools.Ontario EcoSchools' resources offer an environmental perspective to the choices we make in operating our schools and in planning classroom programs based on the Ontario curriculum. It consists of four components: ecological literacy| waste minimization| energy conservation| school ground greening| The leaf within each figure symbolizes thinking and acting with the environment in mind. It also visually connects the four areas, a reminder that the environment is very important. Here are some ways you can take care of the environment . 1. Reduce your driving (walk, bike, ride, take public transport, or carpool).Choose a more fuel efficient car. 2. Don't leave your TV, computers, and DVD/VCD players on standby; it uses more electricity than the little red LED light! 3. Choose more energy-efficient appliances, especially major ones like refrigerators, air conditioners and water heaters. 4. Recycle everything you can; newspapers, cans, glass bottles and jars, motor oil, scrap metal, etc. 5. Don't use electrical appliances for things you can easily do by hand, such as opening cans. 6. Plug off your cell phone charger when charging is completed. 7. Re-use bread bags and the bags you bring your produce home in. . Store food in re-usable containers, instead of plastic wrap or aluminum foil. 9. Take unwanted, re-usable items to a charitable organization or thrift shop. 10. Don't leave water running needlessly. Save some of your washing machine water. Gargle your mouth with a cup of water instead. 11. Set your air condit ioner temperature to 24-26C instead of below 23C. 12. Turn off the lights, TV, or other electrical appliances when you are out. 13. Fill a 1. 5/2L drink plastic bottle and leave it inside the Water Closet; this will save you that same amount every time you flush the toilet. 4. Do not use the water heater on a hot afternoon! Use cold water in the washer whenever possible. 15. Print or copy on both sides of the paper. (Plus use the other side of this paper. ) The environment, the Earth, is our home. It is where we live, breathe, and eat. It is very important so I think we should take really good care of it and protect it! Remember, we can all take action for this by even doing little things that will help. E. g. recycling! I enjoyed writing this essay. I learned many new things that I didn’t know before and I hope you have too!Also, remember to keep the Earth clean as much as possible. â€Å"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. † Theodore Roosevelt Bibliog raphy:1. Ontario EcoSchools. (2002). Retrieved from www. ontarioecoschools. org2. Theodore Roosevelt. (1999). Retrieved from www. library. thinkquest. org/26026/People/theodore_roosevelt. html3. Environmental problems. (1999). Retrieved from www. library. thinkquest. org/26026/Environmental_Problems/environmental_problems. html4. Bowden, Rob. Environments. Miami: KidHaven Press, 2004. Print. | |

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Good and the Bad: How to Handle Early Decision News

As the fall semester of your senior year of high school comes to a close, colleges start to send out their initial round of admissions decisions. It is a bit early for regular admissions decisions, but colleges will definitely be sending out decisions to applicants who applied for Early Decision or Early Action. If you haven’t applied to a school under that option, take a breath. You won’t be hearing back for another few months. If you did, it’s time for your first round of admission decisions! By this point in the semester, you may be experiencing a great amount of stress and anxiety as you wait to hear back from the colleges you applied to as an ED/EA applicant while also juggling extracurriculars and heading towards final exams. We at recognize this and want to help you get through this trying time. Here is a helpful guide to help you deal with admissions anxiety and what to do if you’ve already heard from schools. We’ll take each possible scenario you could be going through right now as an Early Decision or Early Action applicant and give you our best advice on how to get through it. If you haven’t received your decision letter/email yet, that is perfectly normal. Sometimes, due to a high volume of applicants or other reasons that students cannot possibly predict, colleges wait until the end of a semester or even later to release their decisions to Early Decision applicants. Whether you receive your decision sooner or later has no indication of whether you have been accepted to the college or not. For some more reassurance, see Early Action: What to Do After the EA/ED Deadline? However, you ought to double check and make sure that you haven’t received the admissions letter or email already! Check your email junk folder, your mailbox, or the online application portal for the university you applied to in order to make sure that you haven’t accidentally missed the notification. The radio silence you are hearing from colleges right now is probably deafening. If the anxiety of not receiving a decision is really bugging you, try these things to calm yourself down: If your friends have already received their early decision letters from other colleges, congratulate them (or console them if they did not receive the news they were hoping for) and then tune them out. There is no need to stress yourself out further by comparing yourself to your friends. We at know it’s all too easy to stress yourself out by thinking, â€Å"My friend got their letter! How come I haven’t gotten mine?†, so try your best to avoid those thoughts. To help you interact with your peers during this time, read about How to Talk To Your Classmates About College. It’s your senior year of high school! You have far more fun things to do then sit around stressing about college applications. You should make an effort to participate in school activities and attend events like football games, dances and formals, and other fun activities. This will probably be your last chance to experience these things, and it’ll be a nice distraction from college applications. Interested in getting expert help in every part of the application process? Check out ’s College Application Guidance Program . We’ll pair you with your own personal admissions specialist that will guide you through a comprehensive step-by-step process that will help you craft applications that give you the best chance of getting accepted. We can help you find the right schools to apply to based on your profile, craft perfect college essays, and prepare extensively for your interviews.

Friday, September 27, 2019


JAPANESE GOVERNMENT SHOULD USE GEOTHERMAL ENERGY INSTEAD OF NUCLEAR ENERGY - Thesis Proposal Example Geothermal power, as an energy alternative, is safer than nuclear power and offers solutions to Japan’s energy dilemma. Japan is a nation that has for thousands of years experienced volcanic eruptions and earthquakes which are of a large scale. Ironically, it is also a country that has for a long time been lamenting on its deficiency in natural resources. The questions arising are why Japan is not tapping into its huge potential for geothermal energy capacities and whether the country will eventually start to look into the possibility of tapping into such resources in the aftermath of the March 11 earthquake, nuclear crisis and tsunami. In spite of the fact that Japan is located above the third largest reserve of geothermal energy in the world, less than one per cent of its energy output is presently obtained from geothermal power. Even though the investment in nuclear energy has been high ever since the 1970s oil crisis, the Japanese government has continued to import its gas, coal and oil from overseas for a long time. Nuclear power accounted for 30% of the country’s electrical supplies at the time of the March 11 disaster and there were plans in place to increase this to 50% by 2050 (Bortz 24). Since the disaster, a shadow has been cast over the country’s nuclear plans by the government’s on-going stress testing of existing plants plus the ever growing hostile reactions by the public against nuclear energy. The government has therefore made a promise to renew energy policies of the country with a slow change towards more renewable natural energy sources such as geothermal energy. Industry leaders from Japan like Mitsubishi and Toshiba control 70% market share of geothermal technology. On the other hand, Fuji Electric had a hand in the making of the largest geothermal plant in the world last year in New Zealand, a country not its homeland. This raising the question of why Japanese companies are not investing in their home

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Feminism in the 1900s Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Feminism in the 1900s - Research Paper Example Occurrence of the World Wars had a substantial impact on their revolution since they were influenced to take a stand. This paper will explore ideas from different sources such as â€Å"The Great Gatsby† by Fitzgerald, â€Å"A Raising in the Sun† by Hansberry and â€Å"Jasmine† by Mukherjee, thereby discussing feminism in 1900s. During 1990s, women had managed to make their way into manual labor force in America, and others acquired professional occupations. For instance, Hansberry in â€Å"A Raising in the Sun† explains that Beneatha was socially progressive, whereby she undertook a course in the medical field and this enabled her to provide for her family (Hansberry, 23). On the other hand, women commenced to engage in a struggle aimed at establishing equal pay after the First and Second World Wars. In fact, this was contrary to expectations that they would give up their jobs and resume to their initial role of being domestic caregivers. Furthermore, they engaged into strikes, and they had a conviction that their effort would leave an incessant mark on American society. Women’s freedom to change their lives was attained during the 1900s, whereby they were offered a chance to vote and right to acquire education. In fact, this revolution led to increased changes in the work force, while fashion in America underwent continual upheavals. There were changes in women’s dressing, whereby they used fashion as a way of expressing themselves. For instance, in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† by Fitzgerald, there is a character named Myrtle Wilson, who is highly concerned with appearance and fashion (Fitzgerald, 26). During 1900s, women managed to acquire professions that were reserved for men, though there were those who decided to be employed in keeping boarding houses. In this case, women were able to secure employment in medical field (like Beneatha in â€Å"A Raising in the Sun†), while others became lawyers. In fact, a ll this revolution is attributable to revolution that occurred in nineteenth century. During this period, acceptance towards women increased significantly; this acceptance was based on their suitability in various occupations. Nonetheless, other women decided to continue with their domestic roles, thereby being excluded from attaining factory occupations and other professions such as writing or teaching Women who were married at a young age were denied a chance to pursue a career in the medical field due to lack of accessibility to necessary education. For instance, Beneatha became a professional in the medical field since she was not married; in fact, she was still living with her parents (Hansberry, 20). Prior to 1990s, women were offered a chance to become nurses, while men were offered a chance to become doctors. In addition, before the revolution in 1900s, there was a prohibition, which barred women from joining American Medical Association; in fact, they would not attend some medical colleges such as Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, but in 1910, women could join medical schools (Women's International Centre, 1). According to Women's International Centre, only seventeen and five present of doctors in America were women prior to 1900s (1). In fact, by 1930, there were no substantial improvements in women situation concerning other

E-books, Libraries, and Hard Cover Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

E-books, Libraries, and Hard Cover Books - Essay Example The main fears of publishers will be discussed, for example, a feeling that they will lose out on revenues if librarians have unfettered rights to purchase and distribute books. This chapter will progress by by discussing the reasons and possible reasons why publishers want the buying and lending model changed being that the content if now in electronic e-Book form and not the usual paperback books. The paragraph will then be concluded by summarizing the main points.The third paragraph will discuss the reasons why there is a conflict between publishers and librarians, from the point of view of the librarians. This will be the main point for this paragraph and will expound the main in details. The details will discuss the librarians’ revenue model for selling the paperback books and the model they use for the e-Books. The point at which this creates disagreements and conflicts with publishers will also be discussed. For instance, the fact that e-Books have no wear and tear or p ossible loss, and creates convenience for library patrons in that they don’t have to go to the library physically to review or even borrow a book. The benefits that librarians confer publishers will be discussed. The sources of information to be used will e verifiable scholarly sources such as journals and books that have done preliminary research. The paragraph will be concluded by reviewing the main pointsThe concept of e-Books being software will also be discussed before the paragraph is concluded.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Extensible Markup Languag Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Extensible Markup Languag - Essay Example Much of the time database functions in the application included retrieval, replacement and insertion. When an architect designs a building, he has a vision of the finished product and products result based on that vision. Client/Server, on the other hand, is more like Darwinian model of the evolution of a living species. No one has vision of the finished products; rather, day-to-day events and gradual changes affect it over time in reaction to those events. In the beginning, application was simple, reading input transaction in a 'batch', processing them against a data store and the output was paper. Record retrieval was usually a set of subordinates embedded in the updating program. 5. Expanding The Research Question: It is very difficult for a programmer to create user interface forms and to provide database connectivity for each and every form separately whenever he needs it. The work will be very fast if he had a utility, which can provide him all the activity, which he has to do for creating those forms. Hence, it was received that there was a strong need for generating a utility which can help the programmer with on-fly user interface forms and providing database. This project mainly comprises three modules: The information is stored in the database in a systematic way so that it can be easily retrieved whenever required through queries by the reporting module. Data capturing is done through user-friendly screens depending upon the type of data. The entire system is being protected by a user level password to enable different assigned activities so that no intruder can access the data. The user for this application is a person who wants to generate a new web enabled dynamic content application and not the end user working at the client side. 7. Relevance to this Research FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility study is an important phase in the software development process. It enables the developer to have an assessment of the product being developed. It refers to the feasibility study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and technical support required for implementing it. Feasibility study should be performed on the basis of various criteria and parameters. The various feasibility studies are: Economic Feasibility Operational Feasibility Technical Feasibility Economic Feasibility: It refers to the benefits or outcomes. We are deriving from the product as compared to the total cost we are spending for developing the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Legalization of Marijuana in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Legalization of Marijuana in America - Essay Example It is because of these two highly conflicting points of view that Marijuana legalization has faced an uphill battle in the quest of its supporters to become a legalized substance. Therefore, one cannot wonder what it is about Marijuana that countries like Germany and Romania, Uruguay, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal seem to find so positive that they actually legalized Marijuana and even went to the extent of setting up Marijuana shops where the government can regulate the substance's sale and distribution. Maybe it is about time America play the catch-up game and follow in the steps of its counterparts by legalizing Marijuana? What exactly are the negative results that support the non-legalization of Marijuana? Maybe there are actually medically and socially sound facts and data out there that can actually lend credence and support to the sector of society that looks to see Marijuana legalized in the country? What exactly are we looking at here? Those who stand in opposition to the legalization of Marijuana do so based upon various reasons that show the kind of mindset that the American public carries at the moment pertaining to Marijuana. The negative beliefs about the effect of Marijuana seems to be pretty much like everything else in our lives that we believe, it is all based upon a traditional mind conditioned set from the past eras. Ont he other hand, those who support the legalization of the substance seem to do so based mostly upon perceived positive effects on the health of a person and the economic impact of legalizing the substance upon a state. Those who are opposed to the legalization of Marijuana as a substance often points to the assumption that the plant has far more dangerous effects than getting drunk on alcohol. Medical experts from the Yale Medical School, psychiatrist Samuel T. Wilkerson to be specific has been quoted as saying; â€Å"Though they receive little attention in the legalization debate, the scientific studies showing an associ ation between marijuana use and schizophrenia and other disorders are alarming. â€Å" (Rubin, Jennifer â€Å"A Really Good Reason Not to Legalize Pot†). It would seem that the research of this particular group discovered an emerging picture that supports the claim that Marijuana use heightens the symptoms of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders when people who have a tendency to be vulnerable to psychosis are allowed to use the substance. Possibly genetic in reason, the use of the drug gives the user heightened hallucinations that force the user into a permanent state of psychosis. While there is still a very long way to go in terms of scientific evidence to support the claims that Marijuana use can worsen the mental conditions of already unstable mental patients, there are also other groups that believe it is of the utmost importance that the use of the substance be made as less enticing to the young people as possible. Supporters of this point of view include forme r president Jimmy Carter who has openly opposed the legalization of the substance in light of the passing of a vote in Colorado and Washington state that legalized the sale and distribution of the substance. The revered president is part of the old school of thought as evidence by his declaration that legalized Marijuana use should be strongly and openly opposed because.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Problem of Drugs Usage in School Research Paper

Problem of Drugs Usage in School - Research Paper Example For a period of 8-9 months every year, children spend their time at school five days every week, around 6-7 hours daily. School therefore gives children the opportunity to be away from their parents/guardians. It also gives the younger children a time where they can try being like the cooler children more and more. This opportunity to appear cooler, more mature and older in older teens’ eyes makes many pre-teens and teens trying and abusing alcohol and drugs. The children also believe that this is a time when their parents/guardians are not watching over their shoulder what these children are up to. Some time ago being at school was concentrate on education but that focus is many a times being directed to the social atmosphere that a child can acquire while at school. Most children, especially teenagers, do not believe when told that they possess all the qualities that the adults they live with see in them. Most do not accept as true the fact that they possess the skills to be anything in life. They may therefore resort to drugs and alcohol abuse in order to do away with many of the expectations and pressures they believe are there – most teens report having the knowledge of how to use drugs during school hours while others report having the knowledge of where they could obtain them. Rather than using bathroom breaks, hall passes, and lunch time for their name sake, some school children spend this time popping a few pills, taking a few drags or having a few drinks. Considering the fact that high school and college life is among the most stressful of all periods in the life of a person, school children maintain that taking away their capability of blowing off steam is even more harmful compared to the drinking-caused activities. School children get pissed off when someone denies them the right to have fun. It is similar to taking some people's purpose in life away. Thinking that this is the only thing that people do is very sad. However, that is what is important to them and they are ready tight for it (, 3). Reports from the Partnership for a Drug Free America indicate that according to a national study, 73 percent of teens testify that the major reason as to why they use drugs is to deal with school pressure. This is a vast discrepancy with the only 7 percent of parents holding the view that their children may make use of drugs to cope with stress (, 2). Nyhan notes that although signs announcing drug-free zones ma y ring middle schools and high schools a national report revealed that more school children are coming across booze, blunts, pills and other illegal drugs in their playfields, lockers, classrooms and bathrooms. According to a report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse of Columbia University, the percentage of children who attend middle schools where drugs are used, sold or stored jumped 63% from the year 2002, and rose 39% at high schools. Put differently, 80% percent of high school children said that they witnessed students who were using, possessing, dealing, drunk, or under illegal drugs’ influence. In actual fact people in the modern society do not care about school laws or rules and drug use among students is pretty much common (1-4). The school environment has become a haven for drug dealers to deal and sell drugs to children,

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects of Rapid Population Growth Essay Example for Free

Effects of Rapid Population Growth Essay While population growth is at times a beneficial thing for a species, there are many factors that define when growth becomes detrimental. When population growth becomes rapid there is a great chance that the counter-productive level has been reached. The most accurate index is the balance between population and sustainability. 1. Rapid Growth oRapid growth is a quick increase in population. The number concerned when calculating the population is the number of individuals alive. In other words, while some areas may have large numbers of births, they may not realize an increase in their population if the death rate is sufficient to offset the birthrate. These sort of factors can actually contribute to birth rates and the rate of growth. For example, in times when populations have experienced great losses, a rapid increase in population may occur. In these situations this may be termed a correction (this is a statistical concept). The Baby Boom following World War II is an instance of this sort. Causes There can be a variety of causes for rapid population growth. There are circumstances which can create sentiment in the population that will inspire population growth. These are usually immediate, or short lived, occurrences and can cause rapid growth. There are also other conditions which seem inversely related. In areas of poverty and lower living conditions, birth rates are sometimes higher. This can result in birth rates higher than those of industrialized nations where birth control is ubiquitous and pregnancy is put off for some time. Another cause of population growth is older populations living longer while birth rates do not decline. Many nations are experiencing rapid population growth of that sort in numbers that havent existed in the past. Any combination or single factor can cause the population number to increase in the immediate, but some factors are more likely to cause sustained growth. Effects oPopulation growth, even rapid population growth, can be a positive thing. Examples include corrections when the rapid growth may actually supply a population that wouldnt have existed to contribute otherwise. With sustained growth and rapid growth though there is a risk of overpopulation. When the level of overpopulation is reached, a number of negative effects can occur and a number of startling correlations are being discovered. Among the most definite and devastating effects of overpopulation is lack of land. The lack of land results in a number of things which result in negative impact on the population. Waste management of such populations is also difficult to handle effectively and can result in pollution and detriment to the environment. Without adequate land per individual the quality of housing decreases. Another result is insufficient land to produce crops. This results in hunger and ultimately starvation. These can be catastrophic and cause repercussions in the process. One example of these problems was London after the Industrial Revolution. Because of the population explosion in London, living space was minimal, leading to overcrowded conditions. A lack of food caused malnutrition, and poor waste management led to contaminated water supplies, which caused high levels of disease, such as typhoid and cholera. Changes in population sentiment oA newer correlation that has only recently been adequately studied to comment on is the effects on social stability of overpopulation. While it may seem evident that starvation may cause discontent, scientific studies have recently shown correlation between overpopulation and civil unrest. In many areas of unstable populations higher numbers of civil conflict within the area exist. Correlations like these often risk being self-sustaining and can spiral. Looking forward oNo single action is effective against all instances of rapid population or overpopulation. Some instances of rapid population growth may be a healthy response to some new factor. Monitoring populations and helping with the individual causes of unhealthy rapid population growth may help to prevent sustained overpopulation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Change Management At Sainsburys Plc Management Essay

Change Management At Sainsburys Plc Management Essay This report will examine the change management with focus on how change could be introduced, implemented and how resistance to change could be mà ©nage. Therefore we shallbriefly look at the change which had been taking place within sainsburysplc how it was mange and the success rate. It also evaluates the need for the change. How the stake holder analyst was done therefore the Sainsburys was used and the mckinsey company. Task one 1.1 The background of the Sainsburys plc Sainsbury plc is a registered parental company of Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd, which is popularly known as Sainsburys, a chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom with special focus on property and banking business. HYPERLINK profits see 11% surgeHYPERLINK MSN News. Retrieved 2009-06-13.. Its estate has been estimated to be about  £8.6 billion March 2007. Sainsburys was the market leader in the UK supermarket sector in much of the 20th century, but lost its place as the UKs largest grocer to Tesco in 1995 and in lost 1995 and was pushed into third by ASDA in 2003. The companys performance has improved by CEO Justin King in 2004 since the launch of a recovery programme. The company has been reporting its 12th consecutive quarter of sales growth. Despite predictions that Sainsburys would regain second position in January 2008, Taylor Nelson Sofres data released in January 2008 shows Sainsburys market share at 16.4%, behind Asdas share of 16.7%, but ahead of Morrisons at 11.22%. This report shall evaluate the series of change programmes in the company under the last five years with special consideration to the change types of change, change processes and how the management has been able to deal with issues of stakeholder analysis while implementing the change and how resistance to change was dealt 1.2 Business Transformation as a form of change which has occurred in Sainsbury within t. 2004-2009 Developmental Changes in the year 2004 Between 2000 and 2004, Peter Davis was chief executive of Sainsburys. Davis appointment was well received by investors and analysts the appointment was only confirmed after Sainsburys was sure of the support of the Sainsbury family, who snubbed Davis offer of becoming chief executive in the early 1990s. . ( Shah, Saied 2000. Sir Peter Davis brought back to take helm at Sainsburys (The Independent (Newspaper Publishing): p.  19). Within the first two year Sainsbury was able to raise its profit above the target but later drop sharply in 2004 when compared with the performance of its major competitors.Davis was the architect of an almost  £3 billion upgrade of stores, distribution and IT equipment, called Business Transformation Programme. . Business expansion and innovation strategy were used to implement the change. However his successor later discovered that most of the investment was more or less wasted and considered failed in his key goal of improving availability. Fraction of the investments witness the construction of four fully automated depots, which was considered at  £100 million each cost four times more than standard depots Townsend, Abigail 2006. ( HYPERLINK the HYPERLINK processHYPERLINK turned SainsburyHYPERLINK roundHYPERLINK http:/ / The Independent on Sunday (Independent Newspapers). . Retrieved 2007-02-08. . However. Lack of accurate estimation and appropriate consultation of the stakeholder was fingered to have contributed to the failure of the project and the change programme. Though, enough information were not make public on the implication of change on workers and other relevant stakeholders, but the sharp falling in the profit within the short period cold be used as yardstick to justify the reason while the project was considered good for dropping Developmental changes programme in year 2006 Christensen spoke on the four automated depots introduced by Davis, that there was no single day went by without one, of the system developing if not all of them The systems were flawed. They most of the time to stop for four hours daily for repair maintenance. But because they were constantly breaking down you would be playing catch up. It was a vicious circle. Christensen believe it was a great mistake to build four such depots at a goal, instead of building one which could be thoroughly tested before investing in another. Resuscitating of the Failed automated Project in 2007 The launch of the recovery programme by king, Sainsburys announced a further  £12 million investment In 2007 in its depots in order maintain speed with sales growth and the removal of the failed automated systems from its depots. Since the launch of Kings recovery programmed, the company has reported fifteen consecutive quarters of sales growth, most recently in November 2008. Early sales increases have been attributed to the new companys distribution system and the focus of the fresh and healthy food (HYPERLINK supply lifts SainsburyHYPERLINK BBC News. 2005-03-24. Retrieved 2006-10-11.) A transformational change: In May 2007 Sainsburys identified five areas of focus to take the company from recovery to growth in order to transform its business strategy: therefore it identified the following focus as key factors to core activates in line with the concept of comparative advantage and the value chain (Michael p, 1985) the five core value include: Great food at fair prices Growth of non-food ranges Reaching more customers through additional channels through opening of new convenience stores and growth of online home delivery and banking operations. Expansion of supermarket space through new stores and development of the companys largely underdeveloped store portfolio. Active property management 2009 update Transformational changes Sainsbury embraced the external boundary as change model through merger and acquisitions to achieve this change Sainsburys announced In March 2009 its intention to buy 24 stores from The Co-operative, 22 of which were Summerfield stores and the remaining 2 were Co-op stores. These were among of their estate which The Co-operative were required to sell after the completion of the Summerfield takeover. (Guardian (2009-11-04). 1.3 The issues which have made the company consider the change The loss of market position; peter Davis Within the first two year Sainsbury was able to raise its profit above the target but later drop sharply in 2004 when compared with the performance of its major competitors.Davis was the architect of an almost  £3 billion upgrade of stores, distribution and IT equipment, called Business Transformation Programme. This was among of the issues that necessitated the change 1.4 The process which the change took place 1.4.1 Identification of the need for change At the end of March 2004 Davis was promoted to chairman and was replaced as CEO by Justin King. Justin King joined Sainsburys in 2004 from Marks and Spencer plc where he was a director with responsibility for its food division and Kings Super Markets, Inc. subsidiary in the United States. Schooled in Sol hull and a graduate of the University Of Bath, where he took a business administration degree, King was also previously a managing director at Ads with responsibility for hypermarkets. 1.4.2 Shareholders consultation: Gathering of useful data needed for the change from the relevant stakeholders as part of his 6 month business review asking them what they wanted from the company and where the company could improve, King ordered a direct mail campaign to 1 million Sainsburys customers This confirm the commentary of retail analysts repot that the group was not ensuring that shelves are fully stocked, because of the IT systems introduced by Peter Davis. (SainsburyHYPERLINK heads back to basicsHYPERLINK BBC News. 2004-10-19. Retrieved 2008-10-09.) 1.4.3 Implementation of change On 19 October 2004 King unveiled the results of the business review and his plans to revive the companys fortunes in a three year recovery plan entitled Making Sainsburys Great Again. This was generally well received by both the stock market and the media. He used CHANGING STRUCTURES MODEL in his implementation of the change. Immediate plans included lying off 750 headquarters staff and the recruitment of around 3,000 shop-floor staff to improve the quality of service and the firms main problem: stock availability. The aim would be to increase sales revenue by  £2.5bn by the financial year ending March 2008. Another significant announcement was the halving of the dividend to increase funds available for price cuts and quality. King hired Lawrence Christensen as supply chain director in 2004. Previously he was an expert in logistics at Safeway, but left following its takeover by Morrison. Immediate supply chain improvements included the reactivation of two distribution centers. This led to developmental changes in 2006 2.0 Task 2 2.1 How the relevant stakeholder analysis was done during the change Before 2004, series of transformational changes have been taking place within the company. Though, it was recorded that most of the change produced a favorable result in the short run. But the shortfall of the change became so sharply and worst than the formal position of the company. Sainsbury plc did not only witness decline in profit but also lost market position to his arch rivers Tesco and Asda. Poor project assessment and lack of proper consultation with relevant stakeholders. 2.1.1 Customers Having learnt from the previous mistake committed by the predecessors who had caused the organization its place of pride in the market, King ordered a direct mail campaign to 1 million Sainsburys customers as part of his 6 month business review asking them what they wanted from the company and where the company could improve. This reaffirmed the commentary of retail analysts the group was not ensuring that shelves are fully stocked, this due to the failure of the IT systems introduced by Peter Davis. 2.1.2 Employee As one of the relevant stakeholder, is considered to be important to the success of any change introduce in an organization. The change affect people and people tend to react to changes. Negative reaction to change could mark the beginning of the failure of the new change while the positive reaction could fast track the success of such change programme. These confirmed by recent research conducted by mckinsey on the important of change to the organization and how important is people in the implementation of change and therefore suggested tactics that to successfully implement change. Employees were carried along in making the change by getting the employees involve at the beginning of change and in the process of implementation. Organizations need for change Constantly, for all kinds of reasons, but achieving a true step change in performance is rare. Indeed, in a recent McKinsey survey of executives from around the world, 1 only a third say that their organizations succeeded in doing so. Executives were also asked how their organizations designed and managed a recent change effort, how they engaged employees in it, and how involved senior leaders were. ( The survey results highlight several important tactics that organizations use to transform themselves successfully. Setting clear and high aspirations for change is the most significant. A second tactic is engaging the whole company in the change effort through a wide variety of means; a highly involved and visible CEO is important, but successful companies also use various other communication and accountability methods to keep people involved-far more methods than unsuccessful companies use. Also notable: successful companies are far likelier to communicate the need for change in a positive way, encouraging employees to build on success rather than focusing exclusively on fixing problems. (The McKinsey Quarterly conducted the survey in July 2008.). Therefore Sainsbury was able to draft in the interest of their workers in terms of human resource planning, training and developmental programme reward team management and flat organisation structure which enhance effective two ways commu nication system. ( 2.1.3 Shareholders One of the objectives to maximise is the maximisation of the shareholders wealth. Organisation tents to satisfy the interest of this group while pursuing profitability and handsome return on investment. Hence inability of the past administration had lead to change of leadership before the period to be considered in this project. Maximisation of shareholders wealth was put at the centre of interest in all the change programmes. 2.1.4 Competitor: Through stakeholder analysis, competitor as always been a force to reckon with. Sainsbury was able to analysis his competitors to whom she as lost his place of priority in the market which had made her to settle for third position in the grocery market in up. Hence that is why Sainsbury has putting a lot marketing strategies in order to ensure customers satisfaction and retention through excellence customer service. 2.2 Where the staff involved or considered in the change In the planning and the implementation process of change The target of the change programme was to improve customer patronage and to make more profit. Therefore workers were put at the centre of the change in order to make them have the thorough knowledge of the change which was about to take place. Hence Sainsbury also embark on training and development. Staff got involved in the Implementation process as staff serve as a medium through new changes are being communicated to customers. Task 3 3.1 The significant change that took place in Mckinsey and company Transformational change in Mckinsey and company with special attention on knowledge management over the Years Between I926 and 1950s Mckinsey company was established in 1926 as an Accounting and Engineering Advisors. the was using a system integrated approach which could be otherwise refers to as General Survey Outline basis of knowledge managements, the company was pursuing undeviating sequence of analysis goal strategy, policies, organization, facilities procedures and personnel, data which are to be synthesized and think for themselves while solving clients problems. as a result of business boom, more hands were employed and the organizations value chain were broadened, more policies were created with the clients as the main stake holder putting them at the center of the activities The company belief that every assignment must to bring more than revenue to the company, more of experience due to business expansion in the 20th century the company need more hand to meet the increasing demand these made the company to adopt generalist approach which leaves the problem solving task with hired experts. This was the beginning of the change in the organization Between 1950 and 1967 Introducing the expert base problem solving system by the Bower lead administration. He assumed that a highly intelligent generalist (expert) could easily diagnose client issues and through it professional capabilities solve the problem without waste of time and resources this was believed to be the appropriate way of dealing with the increase in demand which the company was enjoying at present so instead of allowing the traditional practice where the collective, brainstorming section of solving client problems that encourage the participative system, which was the cultural practices of the company before the business expansion, bower prefer to rely more on the solving client problems by the means of expertise. However, the knowledge issue of development within the organization was considered to be peripheral as the solving clients problem was believed to be core issues that is important if the customers demand is to be achieved and the business expansion goal is to be continues. The assumptions worked for short period as the company experience increase in sales and expansion of business spreading across the globe. This work well as the company witness a lot of expansion during the period in terms of market growth at the expense of internal growth (knowledge development), but looking at the cultural web of McKinley which is was known for participative system of clients prob lem solving system through which the knowledge were gathered developed and shared that enhance staffs improvement was not considered. living the problem solving in the hand of the expert in a company like mckinsey where knowledge remain the core activities when considering the value added to the end product(porter value chain 1985). The growth of the organization stopped within the short time. 3.2 The key challenges the organization has faced in implementing changes Integration of objectivity due to massive business expansion: The massive business expansion which has led to the diversifying into other business had posse series of challenge to the company, the organization was growing bigger and the system of administration was also going more complex. This made series of change programmes to be difficult to implement. 3.3 Resistance to change from the employees and partners Resistance to change from the staff that begins to see change introduce as a treat and therefore change their perspective towards participation in the change programmes. Example of such resistance was their unwilling to contribute to data collection programmes which the company was trying to use for database in order to enhance knowledge management within the organization. However the company use consultation and staff involvement in the change planning processes to win the support of the workers to embrace the change programmes 3.4 My suggestion for the organization to resolve the various challenges facing the organization in implementing change programmes Here are things the organization can do to handle resistance, starting with kind and moral approaches and ending with the harsher end of gaining compliance. Facilitation It has been argued that best approach in creating change is by working with them, helping them achieve goals that somehow also reach to the goals of the change project. People will be very happy to work with you when you work with them. This could be said to appropriate and good practice where people are willing to support programme but finding it difficult to adjust. Education When people are not willing to support changes due to lack of clear understanding of the benefits and the rationale behind the change programme, manger might use education to enlighten people in order to understand the benefit of the change from positive perspectives. Involvement When people are not involved physically or intellectually, they are unlikely to be involved emotionally either, involving people in change planning is one of the best methods dealing with peoples resistance to change. Their involvement will make them support the success of the programme by persuading others to begin to see the change from the positive perspectives. Negotiation When persuasion seem to have failed to yield positive result, then manager might need to introduce a round table discussion by Sitting them down and ask what they want, find out what they want and what they will not. negotiate a mutually agreeable solution that satisfy them and the fundamental objective of the change. Manipulation Manipulation means controlling a persons environment such that they are shaped by what is around them. It can be a tempting solution, but is morally questionable and, if they sense what you are doing, will lead to a very dangerous backlash. It is only good for short term purposes and after when all the other options has failed Coercion Here manager tend to apply force in making people to accept the change threat of loss of job if fail to comply perhaps in a humiliating public sacking. This could be used when the change is urgent and speed is considered to be of essences and the process of other alternative has been considered too slow and not likely to yield any good result 4.0 Conclusion The change has been seen as an agent of business growth and development. Hence change could be said to important to the organization survival especially in the highly competitive business environment, how it capable of improving the organization, leverage the organization cultural web. Therefore, managers need to evaluate change within the context of the organization cultural web with the consideration of the relevant stakeholder with an appropriate implementation strategy. This will facilitate dealing with resistance to change and peoples corporation in achieving the fundamental objective of the change. An effective change processes will be of advantage as it will also pave way for constant review.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ana Castillo Seduced by Natssja Kinski Critique :: essays research papers

A quick read of Ana Castillo’s poetry will provide a reader with much knowledge of the style she uses. The style used in â€Å"Seduced by Natassja Kinski† and â€Å"El Chicle† is conveyed vividly. A key ingredient to Castillo’s style is imagery. Castillo uses imagery to portray the environment, object movements, emotions, and everything else that is of utmost importance. Also important to Castillo’s style is her choice of words. Castillo refers to all words in poems as gold. Every word must be picked and placed with all the care in the world. Along with her imagery and choice of words, metaphors, poetry form, and flow are essential to creating the two featured poems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After many reads of both â€Å"Seduced by Natassja Kinski† and â€Å"El Chicle† I have been able to visually interpret the worlds created in both poems. â€Å"El Chicle† is all about imagery, however, â€Å"Seduced by Natassja Kinski† also contains valuable imagery. In â€Å"El Chicle†, Castillo portrays a piece of bubble gum falling out of Mi’jo’s mouth into her hair; she cuts her hair; the piece of gum falls onto the back of a dragonfly which flys to its death as a turtle eats it whole. Now, I haven’t been able to really determine what this is exactly referring to, but the imagery created here is as vivid, or more vivid than if I were to witness this in real life. This imagery is as intriguing as the following quote from â€Å"Seduced by Natassja Kinski†: â€Å"And we dance, I am a strawberry, ripened and bursting, devoured, and she has won.† With deep visions I have been able to recreate this scene of Kinski devouring the world’s most orgasmic strawberry. An orgasmic strawberry is what I came up with if I were to describe the scene in few words.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In few words I said â€Å"orgasmic strawberry† which defines the previous quote. Now, the technique I have just done is what Castillo has done throughout her life’s work with poetry. In â€Å"Seduced by Natassja Kinski† and â€Å"El Chicle† I have found many words that are more suiting than the rest of the entire deck of English words. For example, Castillo uses the adjective â€Å"fleshy† to describe a strawberry. This word creates a picture of the strawberry while relating the strawberry to a beautiful girl. Also, when Castillo relates herself to an atom; she lives in the town, but the girls are taking her out for a night and showing her a good time.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Internet Promotes Worldwide Business Growth :: Computers

The Internet Promotes Worldwide Business Growth Today, businesses grow like crazy. Businesses are constantly competing to beat each other's prices and to carry the best product. One major factor in business publicity is to target customers. Stores and companies have customers who live in the general area and visitors who might also like to purchase their products. In order for the company to maximize their income, they must present an easily accessible product line. The Internet is an efficient way to reach out to new customers who are not in the store's proximity. The Internet is the only place where people all over the world can communicate while looking at the object that they are discussing, comparing prices and checking ratings on items. The article entitled Internet Takes Ancient Craft Global, written by R Daniel Foster, is an article about the Internet's ability to accelerate business progress. Mr. Frimpong, a royal African wood carver from the city of Ghana in West Africa, sells his ancient woodcarvings on the Internet bec ause of the product's international demand. He uses the Internet to expand his business to the people who are interested in buying his products that shows a high degree of craftsmanship. Mr. Frimpong exemplifies Ghana's need to be connected to the Internet. On the continent of Africa, 54 countries have Internet servers: a number that has significantly increased over the past eleven years. Only 500,000 African people have access to the Internet and there are just 100,000 telephones shared between 19 million people. In order to get online, the people have to first borrow a computer, and then find an available line to which they can link the modem (Foster 8). Even now, numerous people in Africa lack access to the Internet. The Internet is a necessity that no one should be without. Frimpong realizes that his customers are mainly US citizens, and he decided to put his business online after a customer mentioned the idea. 'Frimpong recalls the day a women entered his Kumasi shop, bought three masks, and mentioned the possibility of selling through the Internet. (Foster 7)' Frimpong sells his merchandise through The Internet is the greatest asset to his company because it has tripled his income, and now he has the ability to carry a staff of fifteen employees to help satisfy the demand for the carvings. The Heart of the Well written by Rheingold is similar to the article about Frimpong's business taking off because they both used it as an informational source.

Hieroglyphic Symbols Essays -- essays research papers fc

Hieroglyphic Symbols One of the many contributions that the Egyptian Empire gave modern society was the beginning of a complex alphabetic system. This system also set the foundation for the development of many other systems used by us today such as an accurate calendar and the mathematical formulas used by architects and doctors. The Egyptians named this system Hieroglyphic Symbols. Hieroglyphic comes from the Greek â€Å"hiero glyphica† which means â€Å"sacred carving†. Hieroglyphics were the first form of written communication in the Western world. The developments of hieroglyphics happened about three thousand years before Christ. Egyptians referred to Hieroglyphics as â€Å"the words of God†. But how did the Egyptians develop such a system? Well, the Egyptian traders noticed how helpful a written language was while they conducted business in the Land of Sumer and they brought some ideas to their land. The growing government and bureaucracy made it necessary to have some sort of system that could help society to keep track of history and business. It took a lot of time and effort for the Egyptians to develop their own hieroglyphic system. One of the main problems with hieroglyphics was its complexity. The system was so complicated and hard to learn that only royalty, scribes, priests, and government officials were able to understand the system. Hieroglyphic symbols began with pictures. At first the symbols represented only objects, but later they were also used to express ideas and ...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The al-Qaeda training manual is sobering and provocative

The al-Qaeda training manual is sobering and provocative in terms of what it says, but it is equally enlightening and relevant for what it does not say.The contents of the manual, as well as its omissions, give us a firsthand perspective of the type that has proven so elusive with regard to this particular enemy; the authors of this manual clearly did not intend for it to fall into Western hands, and the manual must be used by the West to revisit and reconsider its counterterrorism strategies, especially as they pertain to the motivations and the tactical capabilities of the enemy.While the majority of the manual focuses on the tactical minutiae of employing political violence, its first pages address the motivations of the authors, articulating their perceived grievances against the West.While the dominant Western paradigm of rational and deterable political actors have led most to focus on specific aspects of Western, and especially American, policies in the Muslim world to hypothe size about the motivations of the enemy, the training manual points more to social forces than to military or economic ones as the foundation of the Islamists’ anger.Al-Qaeda’s authors write in a disconcertingly eloquent way of â€Å"the sister believer whose clothes the criminals have stripped off†.[1]   This is clearly a somewhat overblown metaphor for the secularization of Muslims countries since the time of Ataturk.This point cannot be stressed enough; the word Palestine, that cause cà ©là ¨bre for disaffected Muslims, does not appear in this manual.   Rather they authors see themselves as being at war with the forces of secularization in the Muslim world.This leads us to the second fundamental point of al-Qaeda’s grievances: the focus on the â€Å"near enemy†.   The â€Å"near enemy† is, for al-Qaeda, every government in the Muslim world, save perhaps one or two.   These governments, in eyes of Islamists, have sold out the fai th in the interest of aping the west.This betrayal has extended from banning traditional Muslim dress to forging military and economic alliances with the United States.   The West, in turn, and the United States in particular, is the â€Å"far enemy†.   Al-Qaeda’s paradigm holds that the corrupt and illegitimate rulers of the Arab and Muslim world cling to power only due to the sponsorship of the United States.This claim is not entirely without merit, and is a common claim heard in the Arab world particularly.   To illustrate the depths of the contempt for secular Muslim governments, the manual describes them as being worse than European imperialists, a scathing indictment from such a xenophobic movement.[2]Al-Qaeda initially focused on the near enemy, but after a strategic rift within the group, which was won by Osama bin Laden, the far enemy came into the crosshairs.   The idea was that a catastrophic attack would be easier to organize and execute in an open society and that an attack in the continental United States would bring attention to their cause that they would not gain by bombing all the embassies in Africa.The 9/11 attack was al-Qaeda’s announcement of the shift from targeting the near enemy to targeting the far enemy.   When assessing the tactical details of this manual, we must keep in mind that they are clearly crafted to be implemented in a police state of the type that the near enemy has no shortage of.   We can only conclude that terrorists able to operate in closed societies will be much more capable of operating in an open society.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Money Markets vs Capital Markets Essay

The market where transactions of money and financial assets are accomplished for short time is called money market. On the other end, capital market is meant that market where transactions of money and financial assets are occurred for a long period. * Institutions: Important institutions operating in the’ money market are central banks, commercial banks, acceptance houses,  non bank  financial institutions, bill brokers. Important institutions of the capital market are stock exchanges, commercial banks and non bank institutions, such as insurance companies, mortgage banks, building societies. Transactions Period: In money market transactions are accomplished for one or less than one year. While capital market transactions are for long time. * Nature of Credit Instruments: The credit instruments dealt with in the capital market are more heterogeneous than those in money market. Some homogeneity of credit instruments is needed for the operation of financial markets. Too much diversity creates problems for the investors. * Risks: Since investment of this market is for a short-term, the risk of money is low. In capital market the risk of money and loan defaulters are high. Instruments: Cash dollar, treasury bills, commercial papers are used as the instrument in money market. On the other end, Shares, debentures, long-term bonds are the instruments of capital market. * Transaction Procedures: Since fewer formalities are required in money market therefore, transactions cost is also minimum. While, many formalities are required in making capital market transaction successful and therefore its transaction cost is little bit higher than the money market. * Relation with Government Agency: The money market is closely and directly linked with central bank of the country. The capital market feels Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as well as central bank’s influence, but mainly indirectly and through the money market. Customer-centric Business Model| * Grow assets under management with real-time analysis of customer activity and personalized interaction * Measure and report on the state of customer relationships and profitability in real time with business analytics * Personalize customer experience across channels * Capture investment profiles to target offers and leads, while shortening sales cycles and increasing investment offers| Effective Risk Management| * Handle compliance issues, regulatory requirements, security, and other operational risks without burdening existing operations * Provide real-time and near real-time actionable customer and product profitability insight, delivered to the front office * Manage security exposure, market, and operations risk * Support centralized and consistent capture of regulatory data for MiFID and KYC requirements| Operational Effectiveness| * Streamline project management, simplify procurement, and make the most your firm’s most important asset—employees * Reduce operational risk with end-to-end financial management * Manage projects more efficiently and effectively * Transform corporate procurement with strategic sourcing capabilities| Next-generation Services| * Evolve to an agile, intelligent, and secure platform * Increase competitiveness by enabling new, intelligent services, while consolidating legacy systems * Enable new services across product silos with ser vice-enabled processes and applications * Gain real-time insight across channels with business intelligence for capital markets * Secure customer data and access for risk and compliance reporting with enterprise security and identity management * Selectively consolidate legacy systems onto an open-standard platform with enterprise grid computing and content management|

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Persecution of Jews between the years 1933-39 Essay

By what stages and why did the Nazi Regime increase it’s persecution of Jews between the years 1933-39. Jewish people had been a traditional enemy for several hundred years before Hitler came to power and he made it quite clear in his book, ‘Mein Kampf,’ that he hated Jewish people. It should be no surprise that even before he rose to power he had already took steps to increase persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany in 1933-39. Before any of the momentous stages began, Hitler had displayed plenty of propaganda to advocate Nazi opinions of Jews, he realised that it wouldn’t be a good idea to persecute Jews to the highest level to begin with as he needed to be established as a great leader. Had he have began his stages with an event such as Kristallnacht the German people may not have accepted him as well as they did. Hitler began his stages with unorganised persecution, in 1933 he organised the April Boycotts which involved the boycotting of Jewish businesses, encouraging Aryan Germans to stay away from Jewish owned stores. The members of the Nazi party were eager to begin anti-Jewish measures so Hitler didn’t want to carry on denying them this. This stage kept the members happy for a short while and was also backed by churches; increasing its influential value. However the April Boycotts had to be kept fairly low key as Hitler did not want the public to resent him had they thought his measures were too much too soon; his suspicions were in fact correct, Hitler realised he didn’t have the public support he needed as despite the Boycotts the public seemed apathetic, they carried on shopping in Jewish stores; ignoring Hitler’s warning. Another factor controlling the force of the persecution was the fact that Hindenburg was still supreme to Hitler, he had already brought in the Hindenburg clause (whereby Jewish world war one veterans were exempt from the rule that Jews must be fired from certain professions) which hindered Hitler’s chance at early success. Hitler’s first attempt at unorganised persecution was supposed to last indefinitely, but in fact it only lasted a day. The Nazi regime’s next step in 1935 marked a new phase in their bid to increase the persecution of Jews. Following Hindenburg’s death in 1934, Hitler introduced The Nuremburg Laws in August 1935 which basically stripped the Jews of their civil rights. Hitler had realised that the intense propaganda had succeeded in winning the public over and therefore decided to take his persecution to the next stage. He completely disregarded the Hindenburg clause and referred to the Jews not as citizens but as ‘subjects’ of Germany. This step was to separate the Jews from the rest of the Germany nationality and could be seen as a result of the lack of progress made in the Nazi’s attempt to get Jews out of the country, statistics of Jews emigrating fell from 37000 to 23000 in 1934. However, in light of the Berlin summer Olympics in 1936, Hitler toned down the propaganda aimed at the persecution of Jews as he wanted tourists to see Germany as a pure country, free of people he though inferior such as Jews. The Nuremburg laws seemed to be as a result of Hitler feeling that he needed to start taking action that is easily recognisable as persecution; this however was nothing in comparison to his next step. On November 9th 1938, following the assassination of a German official in Paris by a young Jewish boy, the Nazi’s embarked on an orgy of violence, destroying Jewish Property in predominantly Jewish towns in Germany. This seemed the final straw for Hitler, before this he had not let member of the Nazi party display this type of organised persecution. The SS officers conducting the attacks broke the law, but Hitler let this go ahead as there was no popular outcry for it to stop, most resistance was very passive, probably Jew to the Nazi fear factor; no-one dear stand up to them. The intensity of Nazi officials complaining about a lack of action against the Jews encouraged this new wave of intimidation. To add insult to injury, the Jews were fined for the damage done to their towns and property; 1,000,000,000RM in total. 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to work camps, Kristallnacht is thought to mark the beginning of the Holocaust. Hitler’s 4th and final stage was to eliminate Jews; they were not emigrating anymore (as much as they wanted to) simply because other countries could not take them. The measures taken previous to this stage were not enough to get rid of the Jews so Hitler decided to cram the Jews into small ghettos, so he could take complete control of them ready for when they were shipped off in freight trains to concentration camps. Hitler named this ‘the final solution of the Jewish question’ this stage seemed ooze a sense of desperation, nothing Hitler had done before had deterred the Jews enough for them to flee wherever they could. Once in concentration camps, had they not died of diseases such as Typhus, the Jews were systematically gassed in chambers, sometimes up to 2000 at a time. The name ‘final solution’ suggests that this really was the last straw for Hitler, he felt there was no other way to rid Germany of the Jews as although the first camp opened in 1933 (Dachau) they weren’t widely used until 1939, these camps could be seen as a precautionary measure. It is evident that Hitler had many ideas as to how to persecute Jews; he started with quite mild measures and gradually escalated things as a result of unresponsive behaviour from Jews. The pressure he was under from other Nazi party members in the early stages probably pushed him to cross the line into breaking the law to persecute Jews. The latter stages of these measures may not have happened had the Jews emigrated when they were encouraged to.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

High School vs. College Essay

High school and college are similar in some ways and different in a lot of ways. They are similar in such ways that you still have to go to class, do class work, home work, take test, and study hard. They are different in such ways that we can have cell phones in class, walk out of class, wear anything to class, and the thing that sets it off is living on campus. I don’t know if my college experience will match up to my high school experience but, we shall see. I will compare and contrast high school and college. I use to drive to high school. For some reason South Carolina State University will not let freshman drive their first semester. I use to drive ten to fifteen minutes to get to school, now it’s about one hour and a half. So instead of doing that everything, I stay on campus and walk to class. I must admit that I didn’t think it would be difficult at first but, it is. I hate relying on someone else to take me to Wal-Mart. That’s one thing that’s different about the two subjects at hand. And the way they’re similar is that I didn’t drive as a freshman in high school. In high school, there was a lot of freedom. We got to change classes on our own, the classes were mixed up with students in different grades, and we didn’t have to walk in a single or double filed line. In college, you don’t even have to go to class. Although it would be wise, too. In high school if you miss a day in class, the teacher would call home. In college, they don’t call anybody, not unless their name is Mrs. Pinson. In high school, I lived with my mother. In college, I live with a roommate. Technically , I’m out on my own but, my mother is paying for my education and family is putting money in my pockets. I was always curious to know what it’d be like to get out on my own. I must say, I’m one step closer. Now that I’m in college, I wish we stayed in dorms in high school. If that would have went down in high school though, there probably wouldn’t be any need to go off to far away colleges. So to sum everything up, I can’t drive, there is a lot more freedom, and I don’t stay in my mother’s house any more. I drove, had freedom but not this much, and I stayed with my mother in high school. Some things that were similar are the work, tests, quizzes, and studying. Those are some things that I chose to compare and contrast on high school versus college.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Managing Financial Resources and Decisions Assignment - 2

Managing Financial Resources and Decisions - Assignment Example It summarizes all of the revenue and expense items of the firm and presents the final result in term of profit and loss, for a given period of time. Financial statements are prepared to present and record information regarding the financial position of a firm at a given point in time, to show performance of the firm during the particular period, and to depict changes in performance during that period. This information is used by the different users of financial statements to make their decisions. 5. Impact of Inflation:- Financial statements do not account for the impact of inflation hence â€Å"Cannot be a true reflection of growth where the economy is infected with a high level of inflation†. [IBP 2011] 7. Measurability:- Financial statements only record the information that is measureable and do not account for qualitative characteristics and assets and efficiency, competence of workforce and goodwill etc. suitable option available to Paul and Sarah’s. Moreover another benefit of using this option according to Boyneclarke .com is that â€Å"you relinquish no control over your business.† [ resources/entry/sources-of-business-financing] so investing personal savings will also secure control of the partners on their business and will result in avoiding many managerial and regulatory complexities. Both of the partners Paul and Sarah can invest their personal savings at any agreed ratio into the business to finance its expansion. Paul and Sarah’s. They can add new partners into their business who can provide required financing, moreover if they succeed in adding a competent business partner then it can not only provide financing but also can provide business acumen and can help in administration. it is an equity investment so entails high risk, so venture capital organizations require high expected rate of return on their investment, as

Thursday, September 12, 2019

How Marketing Is Done On an International Scale Research Paper

How Marketing Is Done On an International Scale - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that culture is the â€Å"collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another.† It is a phenomenon that involves the values, ideas, practices, â€Å"artifacts and other meaningful symbols† that enable people to understand each other for easier communication. Culture in itself also encompasses the goals that are shared by a community. It embraces the way of life of a group of people, which may differ from the next group. Some of the factors that contribute to such differences are the behaviors and practices of previous generations, which are in turn passed on to the next generation by way of tradition. All of these factors, embodied by culture, influences how one treats a fellow human being, how one communicates and negotiates, how one processes information and formulates a decision. The values that are inherent in culture help mold an individual in making important decisions such as wo rk and may be the determining factor in helping that individual achieve success. Understanding the culture of a group of people is very important in marketing, especially in such a field as complex as international marketing. This is because everything that a consumer does, even down to the way the consumer thinks, is heavily influenced by his/her culture. This is what makes marketing quite challenging, because cultures vary from one to another, and there are always changes introduced to groups of people that would also modify their culture. Indeed, the culture in the 19th century is different from how it is currently. In the same way, marketing strategies are also bound to change.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Business Process Management in Hospitality Case Study

Business Process Management in Hospitality - Case Study Example Configuration is defined as "making choices about what a company will do and how it will do it, andensuring that the things a company does reinforce each other". They argue that the lack of a focused competitive strategy is one of the key causes of poor organisational configuration. However, the problem of organisational configuration is not just restricted to understanding markets, with poor configuration being found in a number of key areas, including hospitality SMEs' relationships with their customers, which are fraught with uncertainty. There is an acknowledged advantage in that small firms are closer to the customer, enabling more personal relationships to develop (Crook , 2003). However, this is tempered by the danger that having a limited customer base (Gray, 2005) facilitates the development of deferential supplier-customer relationships. Research by Harrison (2003) concludes that, apart from those firms which operate only in very low profit or niche markets, hospitality SMEs are consistently found to be subservient to their larger counterparts. This view is supported by Wong (2005) who suggest that hospitality SMEs have a lack of control over their futures because of demands made by stronger customers throughout the supply chain. An additional burden is a lack of power to leverage payment of debts from these customers, as noted by (Okumus, 2003), who point out that many smaller firms are "afraid to press customers too hard for payment for fear of loss of future business". It is this scenario which most severely affects hospitality SMEs as their limited resources cannot cope with the fluctuations in cash flow that late payment inevitably brings. The overall effect of the fiercely competitive environment in which hospitality SMEs operate is that, very often, strategic planning becomes a seemingly pointless exercise, again lowering competitive advantage through poor organisational configuration. Tangen (2004) points out that unless the internal structures and the external competitive environment of the hospitality SME are effectively aligned with its strategy, it is unlikely that it will ever be implemented successfully. The difficulties associated with aligning strategy to the external competitive environment led ( Harrison, 2003) to conclude that the majority of hospitality SMEs in the automotive sector are not concerned about future strategic developments, as survival in the supply chain requires them only to maintain a reactive strategy. In addition, McAdam (2004) found that it is not unusual for firms to retain the original strategy developed by the founder, thereby leading to a "strategic hangover", which, if the competi tive environment or the company structure has changed, may actually be detrimental to future business success. Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that many established hospitality SMEs rely solely on internal or financial planning as their main approach to preparing for the future (Crook, 2003). This might be due to the fact that accountancy information has been shown to be the most important factor in determining survival or

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Copyright Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Copyright Law - Essay Example The internet is so vast that nobody can possibly keep a check or control on pictures or text being plagiarized or copied without permission from the owner. This report will identify the methods of preventing infringers from using, sharing or downloading images from the internet without the permission of the photographers. It also discusses in detail the proposal of the research including the objective of the research; the problems faced by photographers and their concerns; ways of preventing the infringement on copyright; and later the methodology to be used in the research is stated. This has a great relevance in the present scenario since the World Wide Web is threatened by excessive illegal use of photographs, write-ups, designs etc by uncountable number of users. The exclusivity of such works of creativity is at stake due to people who steal it for their own vested interest, depriving the owner from his rights of selling his original work. Though it's practically impossible to find out or keep a tab on sharing or usage of such works without permission, the research will definitely focus on aspects that may not be the perfect solution for the problem but a remedy atleast to bring down the practice, if not curb it completely. In the moder 2. Research Questions The research questions for this study will be: a) Do photographers have a copyright on their pictures b) How can photographers protect their rights c) What are the different types of infringements d) What are the various method of protecting images from being copied illegally 3. Literature Review 'The obvious problem arises when people say 'if something is on the net, then it must be free'. You can download photographs very easily'. Patricia L. Baade (1996-1997) In the modern world, with the advances of the technology, the infringement of copyright law is taking place not only in the real life but in the World Wide Web as well. In comparison with the real life, where infringing materials can be destroyed and their authors punished, the internet cannot be shut down. Therefore, it is often used for illegal purposes. The materials infringed can be of various characters: be it musical files, films, sound recording or photographs. This research paper will focus on one type of the works, namely works of photographers. A lot of research has been done on this subject in the past since there is a great concern among the photographers that with the development of Internet and other technology it would be very hard to control the ways their works are being published. Anybody and everybody in the present scenario feels free to download and