Friday, May 15, 2020

Organizational Management Is One Of The Greatest Tools

Organizational Management is one of the greatest tools to succeed for any business. It is about planning and leading in getting people together to work towards a common goal. It helps to draw out the best of each employee, in a business, so they can accomplish certain tasks within a specific time frame. The essential features of organizational management are planning, organizing, staffing, leading, control, time management, and motivation. Businesses benefit from organizational management because it assists in helping businesses grow. Planning is a very important role of organizational management, it is one of the most important project management and time management techniques. When following a plan, one can tell how much they have†¦show more content†¦Planning like this can help reach goals and establish a means of success. Organizing is the next important step of organizational management. It is the management function that usually follows after planning. Organizing is a well-ordered process of arranging, incorporating, managing task goals, and activities to resources. It involves the assigning of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments and assigning a responsible authority who can distribute resources across the organization to reach a common goal. This refers to the careful use of resources to reach the best out of employees. The purpose of organizing is to achieve an organizational goal. To do so, utilizing the use of resources in a business has to take place. Work should be divided and right people should be given the right jobs to reduce the waste of resources in an organization. Good organization structure is important for growing business activity. Organization structure determines the resources needed for the growth of a business. Also, organization is essential for product growth for example starting a new product. Outsourcing has recently become a strategy companies have been using for organizing. â€Å"One definition of outsourcin g is that it is a contractual relationship between an external vendor and an enterprise in which the vendor assumes responsibility for one or more business functions of the enterprise† (Edwin, 2015). This means that companies are using 3rdShow MoreRelatedFunctions And Functions Of An Organization1001 Words   |  5 Pageswhich uses resources and transforms input to outputs. For an organization to work effectively they need to manage those activities and also numerous linked activities. One of the challenges faced by the organization, which prohibit them from estimating the accurate Effort estimation is the understanding and managing of the organizational process. It has been observed that many organizations do not have thorough knowledge of their processes. 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